Numbers crunched simply.
We specialize in crunching numbers. Our proprietary approach to software can be applied to many applications where very large datasets need to be processed accurately and quickly. Whenever time is wasted waiting for numbers to be processed, we can help tailor custom solutions to your high performance computing needs.
Individual solutions, individual support.
Whether your field of research is protein-ligand docking, resource exploration, nanotechnology, or any number of fields requiring parallel computation, we can work with your company to create custom solutions that fit your individual needs. Moreover, we can continue to develop these solutions with you as your needs change and grow.
Size really does matter.
Imagine the processing power of a highly parallel system within the form factor of your PC. Power at your fingertips, literally. Whether you're in the field or the lab, the ability to process phenomenal amounts of data without waiting to bring it back to the cluster, without waiting for queues or backlogs, means the freedom to perform your work interactively. With Silicon Informatics, our performance means greater results.
For more information about creating a custom High Performance Application to suit your needs, please contact us.