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The DockStar™ 1000 Personal Server

Personal server, personal dedication.
No cluster?   No problem.   With our DockStar-1000 personal server, you control your high performance simulations.   The DockStar-1000 personal server is dedicated to you.  


Fasten your seatbelts - High Performance at your desktop.
desksideImagine your desktop suddenly transformed into ahigh performance computing environment.  Whether your desktop environment is Windows, Mac OS or Linux, the amazing power of the DockStar-1000 personal server (comparable to 50 nodes or more) enables high performance applications to run directly from your fingertips.     


ddsghfhfMore Work, More Accuracy, Less Wait
Interactive high performance computing is here!   Virtually free of outside influences such as higher priority jobs, or queuing.   You control your simulations.   You set your priorities.   With the DockStar-1000 personal server, you can work interactively to produce better, more accurate results. 


Interactive Protein Docking
We have implemented the functions of a world-class, high throughput in silico screening program that is demonstrated to be highly accurate.   With our DockStar-1000 personal server, you can have this degree of accuracy with flexibility, controlling your in silico screening simulations directly from your desktop.   Go ahead, adjust some parameters.   Test your simulation on a subset of your data.   Tune your simulation exactly the way you want it.   Get it right.   Then, blast the DockStar-1000 with your full dataset.   With the DockStar-1000, interactive, highly accurate simulations yield accurate results.   Fewer false positives.   All at your fingertips.    



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